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Anatomy: a crossing or intersection of two tracts as of nerves or ligaments.

Genetics: the point of contact between paired chromatids during meiosis, resulting in a cross-shaped configuration and representing the cytological manifestation of crossing over

A stand-alone chiller in the classic style of William Hope Hodgson.

Carnacki recalls one of his earliest cases. He is newly in London, struggling to set up as a ghost-finder, when Miss Dutton seeks his help. A niece she has never heard of has turned up from French Guyana and is apparently "possessed of a devil." Carnacki naturally suspects a fraud.

CARNACKI is back. 


Discovered in a squamous bio-pod in an abandoned London Tube station, he seems younger, healthier, somehow reborn.

It's a wonder, certainly, even a mystery - but is that enough to draw high-ranking military to the scene, politicians, policemen, and even former members of the university Ghost Club?

Reader Reviews

5-star reviews for The Anatomy Inspector

I don't usually read Victorian (style) horror, but this one caught my eye so I gave it a go. I was glad I did and can recommend this dark tale to anybody who likes the era and the genre.

Brilliantly written, the story had me hooked from the start. The descriptions of the characters brought them to life in such a natural way that I was instantly transported to the Victorian era. I recommend The Anatomy Inspector, and hope there will be more stories like it from this author.


@PassiQuattro Nov 13

@RogerWood2925, you got me with this: «Generally, he preferred to watch the world from the sidelines, looking on with a lopsided smile that was compassionate, wise, and yet at the same time remote, detached, and ever so slightly sad.» Great short story❤️ …

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